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Product Code: 50-01
SKU: AL961758
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Short descriptio
Compact Aspiring Alibi 7, equipped Wi – Fi, simple in a management and blamelessly executes all necessary tasks. A presence in this motor-car device of off-wire transmitter of data facilitates his exploitation – now ther... Read more...
Compact Aspiring Alibi 7, equipped Wi – Fi, simple in a management and blamelessly executes all necessary tasks. A presence in this motor-car device of off-wire transmitter of data facilitates his exploitation – now there is not a necessity to take out a load map, to carry the turned out material on the personal COMPUTER or telephone. The size of ЖК-дисплея of recorder allows with a comfort to carry out tuning and look over the got video.

Printing-down of видеороликов
Printing-down of rollers on Wi – Fi. Right here that and off-wire technologies enter into business! Wi – Fi. Connection allows to copy any roller at once to itself in смартфон. Thus it is not needed to search a notebook or second load map. A record remains for you on смартфоне, where she can be looked over at any moment. Смартфон it is difficult to lose with the record of accident, and if to copy on a plane-table – that on the large screen will be visible more details.

Viewing of rollers through Wi – Fi
Except the rapid moving of files, Wi – Fi allows to look over stream video from a motor-car recorder: as real-time so already writtenin rollers. This function, firstly, allows to look records in greater permission, and secondly – allows to give up a screen on a device.

For every videorecorder with Wi – Fi can be got appendix, in that you such basic functions, as viewing, printing-down of rollers, tuning of the videotape recording, will be accessible to, record of sound of and other of Appendix always free of charge and accessible on different platforms.

Touch-control of GC 2395 provides high quality of survey, and a productive processor is responsible for sufficient speed of videostream – 30 shots/of sec. a Videorecorder, according to modern requirements to the analogical gadgets, conducts a cyclic record the set temporal interval. At the complete filling of memory of autorecorder, irrelevant files are worn away and automatically replaced by new. Buying this functional unit must to every participant of motion.

And similarly one of the newest chipsets Novatek 96672, благадаря quality of video will be that gone into detail and bright.

Built-in G- touch-control
At motion in the cases of sharp deceleration, rotations or blow of G – sensor instantly saves current and previous to the record of videorecorder in a separate folder and blocks her from moving away and перезаписи.

Model features:
A record of video is in FULL HD (1920*1080p);
ЧипсетNovatek 96672
Wi – Fi;
Support of load of Micro SD maps to 64 Гб;
Wide corner of review 170°;
Magnetic fastening with possibility of connecting of feed.
Automatic video splitting по 1 хв, по 3 хв, по 5 хв
G- сенсор Так
Offline work До 20 хвилин
Wi – Fi Так
Вага, грам 60
Вбудований мікрофон Так
Вес з коробкою 400
Дисплей 2,35″ IPS
Друк інформації у відео Час, дата
Кут огляду 170 градусів
Максимальний дозвіл відео FHD 1920*1080p
Матеріал корпусу Пластик
Можливість повороту камери 360 градусів
Порти і роз’єми MicroUSB, TF card
Рекомендований дозвіл відео 1920*1080p
Робоча температура – 20 до 50
Розміри, мм 75*45*35
Спосіб активації запису відео Вручну і автоматично
Тип і об’єм карти пам’яті MicroSD, від 8 до 64 GB
Тип кріплення на скло Магнітне, поворотне c поданням живлення
Формат відео MP4 (H.264)
Циклічний запис Так
Чіпсет Novatek 96672
Частота кадрів 30 fps

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