Public offer agreement

Agreement of public offer

By this Agreement one side Salesman, from one side, and any person that accepted the conditions of this Agreement of public offer is Customer, on the other hand, farther together are Parties, concluded this Treaty of public offer (farther is Agreement), addressed to the unlimited circle of persons, that is official public suggestion of Salesman to conclude with Customers a treaty of purchase-sale of Commodities the photos of that are accommodated in a corresponding division web site

Salespeople that intend to carry out the sale of Commodities by means of Web site of and Customers at acquisition of Commodities the images of that are placed on the corresponding pages of Web site of, accept the conditions of this Agreement about нижченаведене.


    1.1. Contractual relations between Salesman and Customer are recorded as Agreement of public offer. Pressure is on the page of Web site of in the corresponding division of the button to "ORDER", means that Customer, regardless of status (a physical person, legal entity, physical person, is a businessman), in obedience to a current international and Ukrainian legislation, took to implementation the conditions of the Agreement of public offer, that is indicated below.

    1.2. An agreement of public offer is public, id est in accordance with the articles 633, 641 the Civil code of Ukraine of his condition identical for all Customers regardless of status (a physical person, legal entity, physical person, is a businessman). At a complete consent with this Agreement Customer accepts terms and order of processing order, payment and delivery to the commodity Salesman, to responsibility for unconscientious Order and for non-fulfillment of conditions of this Agreement.

    1.3. This Agreement inures from the moment of pressure on the button to "ORDER", Customer gives a consent to carry out the purchase of present for Salesman Commodity that and operates to the moment of receipt of Commodity Customer from Salesman and complete calculation with him.

    1.4. For adjusting of contractual legal relationships by Agreement of Side elect and, in case of necessity, apply the Ukrainian legislation. If by an international agreement, a consent to obligatoryness of that is given by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, other rules are set, than those that is set by the Ukrainian legislation, then the rules of international agreement are used.


    A "agreement of public offer" is a public agreement the standard of that is placed on Web site of, and application of that is obligatory for all Salespeople, that contains suggestion of Salesman in relation to acquisition of Commodity, the image of that is placed on Web site of, directed to the indefinite circle of persons, including to Customers.

    A "acceptance" is an acceptance of suggestion of Salesman Customer in relation to acquisition of Commodity, the image of that is placed on Web site of, by adding of him to the virtual basket and sending of Order.

    A "commodity" is the article of trade (good, model, accessory, комплектуючі and accompanying objects, any other commercial units), in relation to acquisition of that on Web site of the placed suggestion of Salesman.

    A "customer" is any capable physical, legal person physical person-businessman, in obedience to the current Ukrainian legislation, that visited Web site of and intend to purchase that or other Commodity.

    A "salesman" is any capable physical, legal person physical person-businessman, in obedience to a current international and Ukrainian legislation, that are proprietors or spreaders of Commodity and by means of Web site of intend to sell him.

    "Order" - properly executed and placed on Web site of ua request of Customer is on the purchase of Commodities, that is addressed to Salesman.

    "Legislation" - set by the Ukrainian or international legislation of norm for adjusting of contractual legal relationships by Agreement.

    A "substantial lack of Commodity" is a defect that does impossible or impermissible the use of Commodity in accordance with his having a special purpose setting, arose up through fault of producer (Salesman), after his removal shows up again on independent of consumer reasons.


    3.1. A salesman is obligated on the terms and in the order, certain this Agreement, to sell Commodity on the basis of the Order executed by Customer on the corresponding page of Web site of, and Customer is obligated on the terms and in the order, certain this Agreement, to purchase Commodity and pay money for him.

    3.2. A salesman guarantees that Commodity is not passed in gage, is not the matter of dispute, is not in a charge, and also on him any rights for the third persons are absent.

    3.3. A salesman and Customer confirm, that running Agreement is not a fictitious or imaginary agreement or agreement celled under act of pressure or deception.

    3.4. A salesman confirms, that has all necessary licenses on realizations of economic activity, that regulate the sphere of legal relationships that arise up and operate in the process of implementation of this Agreement, and also guarantees that has a right on a production та/або realization of commodity without any limitations, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine, and obligated to bear the responsibility in case of violation of rights for Customer in the process of implementation of this Agreement and realization of Commodity.


    4.1. A salesman is under an obligation :

        to execute the conditions of this Agreement;

        to perform the order of Customer in case of receipt of payment from Customer;

        to pass to Customer Commodity according to the chosen standard on the corresponding page of Web site of, processed order and by the conditions of this Agreement;

        to check quality and quantitative descriptions of Commodity during his packing on composition;

        to report to the customer about a possible additional commission at payment of the European orders by cards as Mastercard, Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard Electronic, Maestro by informing in this agreement.

    4.2. A salesman has a right:

        in the one-sided order to stop the grant of services in this Agreement in case of violation of conditions of this Agreement Customer.

    4.3. Salesman:

        A subject of menage is from a number persons that offer to acquisition on Web site of Commodity on the only concerted rules, the stated in this agreement of public оферти.*


    5.1. A customer is under an obligation :

        in good time to pay and secure an order on the terms of this Agreement;

        to become familiar with information about Commodity, that is placed on Web site of

        at the receipt of Commodity for a person that carried out his delivery, to make sure of integrity and completeness of Commodity by the review of packing content. In case of exposure of damages or incomplete acquisition of Commodity - to fix them in an act, that a person that carried out his delivery to Customer must sign together with Customer.

    5.2. A customer has a right:

        to process order on the corresponding page of Web site of;

        to require implementation of conditions of this Agreement from Salesman;

        on informing of possible

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