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Product Code: 58-01
SKU: MS885440
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Short descriptio
The Aspiring MAXI 1 DVR is made in the form factor of a car rearview mirror.The device allows you to record video in FHD resolution.Large 5.0-inch IPS screen will easily allow you to adjust the DVR and view footage.By pr... Read more...
The Aspiring MAXI 1 DVR is made in the form factor of a car rearview mirror.
The device allows you to record video in FHD resolution.
Large 5.0-inch IPS screen will easily allow you to adjust the DVR and view footage.
By pressing one button on the body of the DVR, it goes into the mode of the interior mirror and back (return to the mode of the DVR), which is undoubtedly very convenient for the driver. You can also set the screen to turn off automatically after a while, which is also very convenient.
You can also switch the display mode by tapping the Advanced Camera icon. Total 5 modes: image output from the front camera, image output from the rear camera, image-in-image output with the main image from the front / rear camera, image output in a ratio of 50 to 50: ie half of the screen – image from the front camera , half of the screen – images from the rear camera.

Dual-channel recording mode, which implements the function of selecting images from the front and rear cameras. The user chooses from which camera he needs to broadcast the image on the main screen now, and which image will be broadcast in the additional window.
The second camera ( rear view camera ), which is included, has a special mode marking, when activated, the screen shows the bars that help when parking in reverse. The mode is activated when the red wire is connected to the “plus”.
Attention! Installation must be carried out in specialized centers!

Aspiring MAXI 1 has a built-in GPS – it will not only allow you to take full advantage of the Aspiring feature, but will also be useful in conflicting road situations in which the driver needs to have evidence of the location of the event. This information is marked on the recorded video files in the form of GPS coordinates.

SPEEDCAM, mute microphone and other useful features
This model supports mute, overlay the current time on the video file, as well as the date and vehicle number plate.
SPEEDCAM is the only database of traffic warnings.
The speedcam database contains information about speed cameras, traffic police posts and other “dangers”. The database is open – any user can enter information about new cameras and other objects that will appear in other users after the update. The database contains information on three countries – Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus. Accompanying voice acting in Russian.

And through the built-in WiFi , by pre-installing the app on Android or iOS, you can fully control Aspiring MAXI 1;
– watch online videos
– view saved videos
– saved video files to smartphone
– change video settings.
Automatic video splitting по 1 мін, по 3 мін, по 5 мін
Offline work До 10 хвилин
SpeedCam Є
Wi Fi, GPS Є
Вага, грам 297
Вбудований мікрофон Є
Датчик удару (G- сенсор) Є, вбудований 3-х осьовою, з регулюванням чутливості
Дисплей 5.0" IPS кольоровий IPS- дисплей Touchscreen
Друк інформації у відео Час і дата
Кількість камер 2
Кількість каналів запису відео/звуку 2
Камера заднього виду Є
Клас вологозахисту зовнішньої камери IP - 65
Конструкція відеореєстратора Дзеркало заднього виду з екраном
Кут огляду 120 градусів
Максимальний дозвіл відео 1920*1080p
Матеріал корпусу Пластик
Можливість повороту камери Ні
Парковочные лінії Є
Порти і роз'єми AV - IN, Mini - USB, TF card
Процесор Mstar 8336
Робоча температура - 20 до 75
Розміри, мм 315*78*30
Сенсор GC 2063
Спосіб активації запису відео Вручну і автоматично
Тип і об'єм карти пам'яті MicroSD, до 64 GB
Тип кріплення На дзеркало заднього виду
Формат відео H.264 MOV
Циклічний запис Є
Частота кадрів 30 fps

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